Aaron Coutts-Smith
A/Director of Climate Adaptation and Land Sector Opportunities, NSW DCCEEW
Abby Mellick Lopes
Professor of Social Design, UTS School of Design
Ajay Limaye
VIsualization Programmer, NCI Australia, ANU
Amanda Close
Cultural Scientist, NSW DCCEEW
Andy Marks
Strategic Advisor/Symbiotect/Artist, The Symbiocene Institute
Arielle Breit
Design and Innovation Leader
Asmaa Guedira
Learning Experience Designer and Diversity and Inclusion Lead, WELA
Bethany Hanson
Principal Consulltant, Clear Horizon
Bowerbird Collective
Simone Slattery & Anthony Albrecht
Bruce Chapman
Emeritus Professor, The Australian National University (ANU)
Cameron Tonkinwise
Professor of Design Studies, UTS
Carli Leimbach
Leadership Programs Director, WELA
Calise Liu
Senior Consultant, Finity
Catherine Kerr
Manager, Adaptation Knowledge, NSW DCCEEW
Catherine Naum
Project Officer, Adaptation Knowledge, NSW DCCEEW
Chris Andrew
Invited Advisor, Waluwin Foundation
Cristien Hickey
Director Climate Change and Sustainability Policy, NSW DCCEEW
Cybele Dey
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Sydney Children's Hospital Network
Chris Weston
Climate Risk Manager, DCCEEW
Danielle Thomson
Co-Director, Adaptation and Risk, Commonwealth DCCEEW
Dr Dimity Podger
Co-Founder, Regen Labs
Emma Bacon
Executive Director, Sweltering Cities
Emma Rolls
Manager, Sustainable Infrastructure, Edge Impact
Eren Turak
Principal Scientist, NSW DCCEEW
Eshana Bragg
EcoPsychologist & Educator
Esther Zhu
Senior Scientist, Climate Impacts, NSW DCCEEW
Geoff Berry
Presenter and Trainer, Nature Calling Ecotherapy
Giovanni Di Virgilio
Senior Team Leader, Climate Research NSW DCCEEW
Heidi Norman
Research Professor, University of New South Wales
Jenny Newell
Climate Change Curator, Australian Museum
Joanne Bowen
Chief Executive Officer, Cricket for Climate
Joe Glesta
CEO, ClimaSens
Joseph Miller
Senior Project Manager, NSW DCCEEW
Josh Kirkman
CEO, Surfers for Climate
Kal Glanznig
Youth Program Coordinator, Surfers for Climate
Kanar Dizyee
Senior Economist, NSW DCCEEW
Katherine Trebeck
Economic Change Lead, The Next Economy
Kaylene Langford
Founder and Director, StartUp Creative
Lee Schofield
Co-founder, Future for Now
Louise Crabtree-Hayes
Professorial Research Fellow, Institute for Culture and Society
Madison Kuras
Project Officer, Climate Solutions Centre
Mal Ridges
Cultural Scientist, NSW DCCEEW
Mari Jaervis
Senior Social Researcher, NSW DCCEEW
Matt Adams
A/Manager, Cultural and Ecosystem Adaptation, NSW DCCEEW
Matthew Riley
Director Climate and Atmospheric Science, NSW DCCEEW
Melanie De Gioia
Senior Project Officer, Adaptation Knowledge team
Meg McDonald
Chair, Trailblazer for Recycling and Clean Energy
Melissa Gilbert
Artist, Educator and Founder, UnitePlayPerform
Nathan Robertson-Ball
Founder, Finding Nature
Nicola Barr
Decarbonising Sport Lead, FrontRunners
Oliver Costello
Executive Director, Jagun Alliance Aboriginal Corporation
Paris Norton
Cultural Scientist, NSW DCCEEW
Patrick Wilcox
Senior Project Officer Climate and Atmospheric Science, NSW DCCEEW
Dr Paul Gibson-Roy
Restoration Ecologist, NSW DCCEEW
Paul Girrawah House
Custodian, Waluwin Foundation
Dr Paul Grimes
Chair, Net Zero Commission NSW
Perry Wiles
Director, Adaptation and Resilience Policy Director, ACT Government
Reece Proudfoot
Co-Founder & Regen Innovation Lead, Regen Labs
Rishav Goyal
Scientist, Climate Research, NSW DCCEEW
Sam Kernaghan
Director of Resilience Program, Committee for Sydney
Saoirse Chu
Youth Leader & Climate Advocate
Stephen Healy
Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Western Sydney University
Stephen White
Principal Scientist, Climate Research, NSW DCCEEW
Stéphan Willemse
Strategy Director, Digital Arts Network
Suzanne Dunford
Manager of Sustainability and Resilience, Waverley Council
Therese Apolonio
Research Coordinator, UNSW Indigenous Land and Justice Research Group
Yvette Andrews
Strategy and Engagement Manager, Resilient Sydney